Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CMC Study Abroad Students in Spain during World Cup

CMC study abroad students were in Salamanca, Spain with faculty, Lauren DeAre when Spain won the World Cup in July 2010. Lauren DeAre writes about the experience in Spain.

¡Locos for the Mundial!

Almost everyone in Spain caught World Cup fever, which in Spanish is called the "Copa Mundial". It was Spain's first time ever to play in the final and their first win as champions. Restaurants and bars all set out large TVs and people gathered around to watch together, sitting in chairs to order a drink or just finding a place on the ground. In the main plaza of Salamanca, the Plaza Mayor, the balconies were decorated with flags. After the big victory, everyone in Salamanca went out into the streets, waving flags, dancing, singing and chanting and forming a long parade to the plazas. People in balconies threw water down on the people below and everyone celebrated. To my surprise, the next day was a normal workday but national pride is strong and the win has lifted Spain's spirits in tough economic times.