Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Expand Your Horizons, Education Abroad 2010

CMC is very committed to providing students with affordable opportunities to build their global skill set. I recently had a call from a parent who wanted to send her two sons to Spain with CMC for a Spanish language immersion program. When she saw our prices she wanted to know why our prices were so low when comparable programs at larger Colorado universities were up to three times more expensive. I told her that it is simple --CMC doesn't make money on our Study Abroad Programs. What a student invests in program fees on his or her abroad program is spent directly on that student offering a quality abroad experience for much less.

So if you are ready to expand your educational and personal growth and are looking for critical career advantages, give some serious consideration to participating in one of our quality education abroad programs.

Spring Semester in Spain 2010 - Deadline is fast approaching!
Guatemala- Political Sciences & Art - March
Ireland - Literature & Entrepreneurship - Summer 2010

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